- Unusually long work hours, or unusual hours, for little or no pay
- A person is unable to come and go as they please.
- Unusual sleeping arrangements (several mattresses on the floor)
- A lot of people in a cramped space, lack of furniture, etc.
- Lack of ID or someone else is holding their documents
- Lack of personal possessions
- Unfamiliarity with the area they are in may suggest they are being moved around a lot
- Unusual amounts of security that appears to be for the purpose of keeping people in, rather than out.
- Stunted development
- Cuts and bruises, looking malnourished or deprived of sleep
- Tattoos that look more like a branding
- Inappropriate or provocative dress
- Someone else speaks for the person
- Person seems nervous and doesn’t look you in the eye, always looks to spokesperson
- Significant other is much older than person in question
- A statement about owing their employer a large sum of money